Kubernetes kubectl CLI Cheat Sheet
Kubernetes provides an open-source system to automatically deploy, scale, and manage containers. With the kubectl command-line interface (CLI), one is able to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. Introducing a user to configuring the CLI, this cheat sheet features a set of essential commands to manage a cluster and collect data from it. The document also explains how to create, group, update, and delete cluster resources. In addition, you will learn how to debug Kubernetes pods, as well as manage configmaps and secrets.
Top 10 Things to Consider Before Blockchain Adoption
Blockchain is being adopted by multiple industries, which seek decentralization, transparency, and automation in a secure environment. This cheat sheet shortlists top ten criteria to assist decision makers in evaluating blockchain as a solution to improve enterprise processes. The document also features a five-tier architecture that helps to build a better understanding what a potential blockchain implementation within your industry may look like. Finally, the cheat sheet provides a sample roadmap to start a blockchain journey.
This cheat sheet provides you with all things to get started with TensorFlow 2.0—an open-source library developed by Google for deep learning. Exploring the basics of data set management and feature engineering, this document covers a reference machine learning workflow with TensorFlow 2.0, model serialization and deserialization examples, and high-level APIs for deep learning and prebuilt estimators.
AI Basics and Machine Learning with Python
Artificial intelligence (AI) is marching its way into a variety of industries and businesses. This cheat sheet exemplifies use cases of applying AI, featuring a collection of algorithms working behind real-life implementations. In addition, the document enlists 50+ open-source frameworks and libraries for general-purpose machine learning, computer vision, reinforcement learning, data analysis, visualization, chatbots, etc. and other industries.
Designed by Altoros, Fabric Starter is an open-source toolkit that provides a preconfigured environment to automatically deploy an app based on Hyperledger Fabric. By generating certificates and configuration files, the solution builds a blockchain network and deploys chaincodes. Explaining how to use Fabric Starter, this cheat sheet features first-aid commands to enable both local and multi-server deployments on Docker.
Being a pipelined-based continuous integration tool, Concourse is a popular choice when it comes to enabling CI/CD for applications built with Cloud Foundry. The Fly tool is a command line interface (CLI) to Concourse. With Fly, one is able to carry out a range of tasks in a faster manner—from connecting to a shell in the build’s container to uploading new pipeline configuration into a running Concourse. Explaining how to get started with the Fly CLI, this cheat sheet compiles helpful commands for managing Concourse teams, resources, jobs, and pipelines. The cheat sheet also encapsulates a set of commands efficient when troubleshooting pipelines.
BOSH is an open-source tool chain that orchestrates the deployment process of distributed systems, including Cloud Foundry. This cheat sheet introduces DevOps engineers to basic BOSH terminology necessary for successful usage of the tool. Here, you will find pro tips on how to manage your deployments, as well as a set of commands to maintain and support a cluster or create a custom BOSH release.