Private Kubernetes Training for Corporate Teams

Private Training

Accelerate Kubernetes adoption by taking Altoros private training.
Our trainers have strong expertise in Kubernetes enablement for Fortune 500 and Global 2000 customers.
Leverage external practical knowledge and skyrocket your company’s cloud-native transformation with our Kubernetes training.

Private Kubernetes Training for Corporate Teams

Kubernetes private training benefits

  • Delivered on-site, so you can get started with Kubernetes without leaving your office.
  • Available for teams of 5+ people. If you have a big team, we will allocate an additional trainer.
  • Provides deep dive into Kubernetes internals within just three, four, or five days.
  • Gives an opportunity to customize programs to your specific needs or projects.
  • Includes lots of hands-on exercises under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Why choose Altoros as your Kubernetes training provider

  • Altoros is a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider. All our Kubernetes trainers are Certified Kubernetes Administrators.
  • Altoros is a go-to Kubernetes implementation partner for GCP, AWS, and Azure.
  • Our instructors possess strong expertise in cloud-native platforms enablement for Fortune 500 customers.
  • Altoros has trained hundreds of engineers for numerous customers. We employ a unique approach that includes classroom training, mentoring, and code reviews.

Why train with Altoros

Design your training agenda

Select the topics

Step 1

Select the checkboxes to include the topics you want to be present in your training agenda. You can save this form at any time and continue later.

Select your cloud infrastructure provider and deployment tool

Step 2

Select cloud infrastructure provider for the training and select your Deployment method

Submit the contact form

Step 3

Fill in the form to complete your submission:

  • Foundations

    Set up prerequisites, learn about the Kubernetes architecture, and deploy a Kubernetes instance needed in other exercises

    Course Introduction


    Please note that the introduction and kubernetes architecture modules are mandatory for this course, you can't skip these topics.


    A few things about Altoros, getting to know each other and instructors, overall information on the schedule and agenda of the course, as well as useful links.

    Kubernetes Architecture


    Please note that the introduction and kubernetes architecture modules are mandatory for this course, you can't skip these topics.


    Learn how to deploy Kubernetes. Get familiar with managed K8s platforms, infrastructure providers, and Kubernetes components.

    Kubernetes Basics


    Get familiar with Kubernetes and its benefits compared to other products, an intro to CNCF. Create a Docker image by yourself, start a Docker container, mount volume inside the container, and change the network to host.

  • Running Applications

    Learn how to run your applications on Kubernetes—both stateless and stateful



    Create a deployment and observe how Kubernetes restarts containers. Get to know the most common deployment use cases, as well as learn how to update and roll back deployments.

    Health Checks


    Deploy a pod with a health check, learn how to use readiness probe, as well as create health check for an nginx pod and the one using TCP sockets.

    Labels, Selectors, and Annotations


    Get practical skills in using selectors and labels in pods.



    Launch a pod using a container image and the one using a configuration file, deploy a pod from a custom image, and practice in limiting pod resources. Learn about pods, multi-container pod design, and pod’s life cycle.

    Volumes and Data


    Familiarize with Persistent volume, Persistent volume claim, Volume life cycle and types, access modes and a storage class. Deploy WordPress and MySQL with Persistent Volumes, do the Static persistent volume provisioning, and observe how persistent volume is reattached.

  • Operations

    Learn how to operate cloud-native platforms based on Kubernetes—upgrade a cluster to a newer version, integrate with monitoring and logging solutions, and set up a continuous delivery pipeline



    Discussion around continuous integration / delivery tools, understanding a CI/CD pipeline structure, and deploying a sample application using the Jenkins pipeline.

    Cluster upgrades and customization


    Learn how to update clusters and familiarize with Addons. Install the Kubernetes Dashboard Addon by yourself, change the cluster configuration, deploy a highly available cluster, and learn how to add Heapster metrics to the Kubernetes Dashboard.



    Learn how to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters, create federated cluster, and deploy a multi-cloud application by yourself.



    Install the Kubernetes Elasticsearch logging add-on, setup a Kibana Dashboard for Kube-System, learn how to parse logs, as well as familiarize with Node-level logging, Sidecar log streaming, Sidecar with a logging agent, system components logs, ELK log flow, and Grok filters.



    Deploy a new application and configure it for monitoring, while getting familiar with alerting. Discover general monitoring architecture, cAdvisor and InfluxDB + Grafana.

    Revising infrastructure with Terraform


    Manually deploy a new cluster using Terraform, perform advanced cluster troubleshooting (optional), and learn Terraform.

  • Networking

    Topics include setting up the ingress to balance external traffic between the pods and exposing the applications to the outer world using services

    DNS in Kubernetes


    Understand how Kubernetes uses DNS internally for service discovery and how to integrate internal Kubernetes DNS with the external one. Explore service name resolution in practice.



    Deploy a sample app using ingress, as well as practice in specifying an app host and in using TLS. Familiarize with ingress controllers, singe-services ingress, simple-fanout ingress, and name-based virtual hosting ingress; get an introduction to TLS termination.



    Install Kubernetes Addons, learn how to track iptables changes while re-deploying the service. Familiarize with cluster networking, Container Networking Interface (CNI), plug-in comparison, network policies, cluster DNS along with external load balancers, service networking internals, as well as pod and service iptables rules.



    Discover Service types and proxy modes. Deploy a PHP Guestbook application with Redis, investigate source code of the sample, manually connect to Redis from an app pod, and perform the Blue-Green deployment.

  • Security

    How to keep the platform secure and guarantee fair share of cluster resources to each of the multiple teams using the cluster

    Namespaces and RBAC


    Get practical skills in using namespaces and RBAC, work with namespace resource limits, assign the default view cluster role to a user, and try to deploy a pod. Get familiar with Role and ClusterRole, Binding roles, as well as user, groups, and service accounts and API Objects.



    Resource limits and requests, default admission controller for the namespace and different resource types. Configure the quota for the namespace and try to schedule pods that use more resources.

    Secrets and ConfigMaps


    Practice in storing secrets on Kubernetes, learn how to access secrets from environment variables and to use config maps. Discover more about storing sensitive information and configuration.



    Get to know how to secure your cluster, familiarize with API Authentication, Authorization and Access, explore Admission Control, and learn more about Securing Docker Images, Pod Security Policy (PSP), and Security Contexts.

  • Other Topics

    Topics that do not fit this classification, such as diving deep into Kubernetes internals or packaging your applications using Helm

    Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)


    Learn about extending Kubernetes beyond the standard resource types. Create custom resource definition and explore it.

    Downward API


    Learn how a container can get data about the environment it is running—what the resource limitations are, what the namespace is. Use both environmental variables and volumes.



    Learn what is Helm, how to use it to deploy prometheus and how to secure it.

    Kubernetes Architecture Deep Dive


    Investigate kubelet, manually access Kubernetes API, deploy a pod using an API or run a static pod (optional). Discover how to work with kubelet, cluster initialization, static pods, API Server and the scheduling algorithm, as well as learn more about using custom schedulers.

The total duration of the class must be not less than 16 hours
Course Duration:

Cloud infrastructure provider for the training:

MS Azure

Your Deployment method:

No better time and training provider to maximize your team's talent!

No better time and training provider to maximize your team's talent!

We work with

VMware TanzuAzure kubernetes serviceAmazonEKSGoogle kubernetes engine

Why train with Altoros

Through expertly led, hands-on custom training courses, Altoros helps IT professionals around the globe to advance their skills in cloud-native development and PaaS, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and deep learning.


Years of experience


Satisfied customers


Successfully implemented projects


Global 2000 organizations as customers


Full-time engineers


Global offices

Our customers

Here is what our customers say about us


“What was the biggest value of the course? Lots of hands-on exercises and adding additional topics as we asked before.”

Kubernetes Deep Dive training in Seoul


“The format is great, training customization content is appreciated too. The trainer was accommodative and adaptive, he was good at going around and helping everyone to work through exercise.”

Lead Platform Architect at Nestle

Kubernetes Deep Dive training in San Francisco


“It was great to interact face to face with instructor and ask questions, the training was very intensive and hands-on.”

Lead Architect at Macy's

Kubernetes Deep Dive Training in Chicago


What trainees say about Altoros courses

Kubernetes Deep Dive Training in San Jose
Kubernetes Deep Dive Training in San Jose
Kubernetes Deep Dive Training, Washington DC
Kubernetes Deep Dive Training, Washington DC
Cloud Foundry for DevOps Training
Cloud Foundry Training at Cloud Foundry Summit, 2017
Kubernetes Deep Dive Training, Los Angeles

Contact us

Damian Castelli

Damian Castelli

Chief Delivery Officer

d.castelli@altoros.com650 265-2266

4900 Hopyard Rd. Suite 100 Pleasanton, CA 94588