2017 NoSQL Technical Comparison Report: Cassandra (DataStax), MongoDB, and Couchbase Server

Download this 52-page research paper that evaluates the architectures of the three popular NoSQL databases across 20+ comprehensive criteria.

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    Why read this?

    This 52-page report embodies an in-depth analysis of the leading NoSQL systems: DataStax Enterprise v5.0 (Cassandra), MongoDB v3.4, and Couchbase Server v5.0. Unlike other comparisons that focus only on one or two dimensions, this research approaches the databases from 20+ angles across three domains: architecture, development, and administration. The benchmark explores the solutions’ ease of installation/configuration, scalability, availability, maintenance, data consistency, fault tolerance, replication, recovery, etc. The paper features a scoring framework for evaluating and comparing NoSQL data stores for your particular use case—depending on the weight of each criterion.

    Key take-aways:

    • Get a comprehensive scoring template for evaluating NoSQL data stores based on 22 criteria
    • View a summary table that illustrates how MongoDB, Cassandra, and Couchbase Server scored for each criterion—on a scale from 1 to 10
    • Learn the recommendations on the best ways to configure, install, and use NoSQL databases depending on their specific features
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