Top 20 Quotes from Platform, The Cloud Foundry Conference

Platform: The Cloud Foundry Conference attracted 450+ developers and PaaS experts from around the globe. In this post, we collected top quotes by the speakers and attendees of this amazing event.
“PlatformCF was the largest event in the history of PaaS and the most important event since Google App Engine.” —James Watters, Head of Product for Cloud Foundry, Pivotal
“It was epic.” —Andy Piper, Developer Advocate for Cloud Foundry, Pivotal

“I fell in love with BOSH, thought we should use it at EngineYard. No one else agreed with me, so I left, and here we are.” —Dr. Nic Williams, CEO, Stark & Wayne
“I don’t pair, because it wouldn’t show up in my GitHub graph.” —Dr. Nic Williams, CEO, Stark & Wayne
“Why BOSH? Why not BOSH?” —Dr. Nic Williams, CEO, Stark & Wayne
“Had an absolute blast at PlatformCF meeting everyone for the Internets. The Pivotal/IBM guys did a great job!” —Dr. Nic Williams, CEO, Stark & Wayne
“Now that PaaS exists, what does IaaS do for a developer? Not a whole lot.” —Lucas Carlson, VP of Cloud Evangelism, Savvis
“What’s IaaS to a dev? Devs think about apps, not servers. PaaS lets apps be first-class citizens.” —Lucas Carlson, VP of Cloud Evangelism, Savvis
“What if Cloud Foundry could teach AWS and VMware some lesson?” —Lucas Carlson, VP of Cloud Evangelism, Savvis
“Cloud Foundry makes it easy to do the right thing.” —Andrew Crump, CTO, CloudCredo

“This week, we’ll get another step closer to the open cloud.” —Angel Diaz, Vice President, IBM Standards and Cloud Labs
“If you are not on board, you’ll be out-innovated by the world.” —Angel Diaz, Vice President, IBM Standards and Cloud Labs
“Speed is the new currency.” —Angel Diaz, Vice President, IBM Standards and Cloud Labs
“Cloud Foundry is the new operating system.” —Paul Maritz, CEO Pivotal
“You’re participating in births of software that could have the same impact as Linux did on the client-server.” —Paul Maritz, CEO Pivotal
“Pivotal is a bridge to the future.” —Paul Maritz, CEO Pivotal
“We will take advantage of the ‘unfolding cloud era’.” —Paul Maritz, CEO Pivotal
“I really, really don’t care what infrastructure I’m running on—it’s unimportant—all about delivering apps to the business.” —Jonathan Murray, EVP and Chief Technology Officer at Warner Music Group
“The revolution is coming.” —Jonathan Murray, EVP and Chief Technology Officer at Warner Music Group
“I have a firm belief that all CIOs will be measured on time to value over the next few years.” —Jonathan Murray, EVP and Chief Technology Officer at Warner Music Group

Did something else grab your attention? Feel free to add more of the PlatformCF quotes in the comments below!
Further reading
- Top Quotes from Cloud Foundry Summit North America 2019
- Top 100 Quotes from Cloud Foundry Summit North America 2018
- Top 100 Quotes from Cloud Foundry Summit Silicon Valley 2017
with the assistance from the Altoros Americas team.