The Ruby Community Is Blooming: 100+ Experts Attended a Local User Group

Bridging the European Ruby community
More than 100 Ruby gurus came to a local Ruby on Rails User Group from different corners of Eastern Europe. It became a good tradition for the members of the group to meet at least four times a year to find what’s new in the Ruby world. This time they discussed continuous integration with the Travis CI service and Jenkins, talked about creating single-page applications with AngularJS, dwelled on configuring virtual environment with Vagrant and Cloud Foundry, and exchanged views on many other topics.
Travis CI—what’s inside?
Piotr Sarnacki of Travis CI opened the event. The expert shared insider experience, since he is currently working on the project as a part of the OSS Grant Program, sponsored by Engine Yard. The presentation was so interesting that the participants did not want to let Piotr go. After the speech was over, the attendees asked Piotr for details about the tool and capabilities it provides.
During the day, the following topics were also presented:
- “Jenkins CI in action” by Mikhail Pobolovets
- “Angular.js: real-life experience, issues and solutions” by Vitali Vasileuski
- “Geospatial applications on Rails” by Sergey Nartimov
- “Quick deployment of a development environment with Vagrant” by Anton Kaliaev
Building your own Heroku using Cloud Foundry
The presentation by Gaston Ramos of Altoros Argentina became a real long-awaited surprise for the members of the local Ruby community.
Gaston delivered his topic using the video conference tool, as he was at the office of Pivotal Labs in San Francisco. Currently, the members of the Altoros Argentina team are contributing to the Cloud Foundry project, being a part of the “BOSH team” and “service integration team.” During the talk, the expert featured BOSH—cloud deployment and life cycle management tool for the Cloud Foundry platform. It allows for deploying Cloud Foundry components on distributed nodes. Gaston also revealed how the development process is organized in Pivotal Labs and told how much they enjoy the Agile process and pair programming.
At the end of the day, Sergey Sergyenko, the leader of RightScale team at Altoros, selected two best questions that were asked on Twitter. The two winners got tickets to the HotCode conference in Ukraine (Eastern Europe).
Want details? Watch the videos!
In this video, Piotr Sarnacki explores Travis CI.
In this video, Gaston Ramos talks about how to build Heroku using Cloud Foundry.
Related slides
In these slides, Mikhail Pobolovets of Altoros presents Jenkins CI in action.
In these slides, Vitali Vasileuski explores AngularJS: a real-life experience, issues, and solutions.
Below, you will find the slides by Sergey Nartimov of Altoros about geospatial applications on Ruby on Rails.
Further reading
- A Gaming Bots Constest at a RoR Meetup
- Which Ruby Framework Is Faster, Sinatra, Espresso, Padrino, Goliath, or Ruby on Rails?
- Speeding up Ruby Tests