
Posts Tagged ‘IoT’

Mobile Devices Are Propelling Industrial IoT Scenarios

March 6, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff...
Geolocation, portability, connectivity, and the proliferation of mobile technologies can be put to advantage within the fourth era of industrial manufacturing.

Applying Data-Centric Approach to Unify IoT Security Policies

February 28, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff...
To eliminate the burdens of varying access permissions in an IoT deployment, a solution is needed to consolidate all the heterogeneous security policies.

Optimizing Industrial Internet of Things with Objects’ Digital Twins

February 22, 2017 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
Learn how Digital Twins—the pairing of software with virtual models of physical assets—pave the way to more efficient and safer machines, devices, and plants.

2016–2017 Trends: Industry 4.0

January 23, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Manufacturing is the King of Industries, yet leads to political disruption. What are the numbers behind all the outrage, and how should we view the phenomenon?

2016–2017 Trends: Smart Cities

January 18, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Smart Cities make urban life more convenient, grabbing government budget shares from Chicago to Rio de Janeiro to Cape Town. It also looks like we're only at the very beginning of this amazing journey, with more opportinities to come.

Adopting an IoT Platform: Things to Know and Pitfalls to Avoid

January 13, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Omar Nawaz elaborates on five patterns when designing an efficient IoT process, explaining why a feature-by-feature comparison may be futile.

2016–2017 Trends: Neo-AI and Neo-Luddism

January 9, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
We're in the third wave of artificial intelligence and the technology approaches that complement it. Now, the movement seems more focused. However, it can also lead to suspicions about the role of technology in the economy.

2016–2017 Trends: Top 10 Issues of Enterprise IT

December 29, 2016 | 2 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
The year 2016 has been unusual in many respects. Lost in all the political drama may be some highly significant trends within the enterprise IT industry, worldwide.

Automated Manufacturing: Approaching Industry 4.0 Across Various Scenarios

December 23, 2016 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez...
A recent panel explored where automated manufacturing had already worked out. The speakers referred to real-life examples in healthcare, oil and gas, locomotive, and other industries—outlining the challenges on the road and tips at hand.

Blockchain Projects Span Financial Services and Supply Chains

December 19, 2016 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Involving big data and the Internet of Things, the projects focused on the Hyperledger technology range from startups to established organizations.