
Posts Tagged ‘GitHub’

Two Days with Solr, or 25x Speed Up of Reindexing

March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments | Eugene Melnikov
This blog post shares best practices and lessons learned on how to increase the speed of reindexing with Solr in a Ruby-on-Rails app.

CommonJS for Ruby on Rails

March 1, 2013 | 3 Comments | Evgeny Okhrimenko
Learn how to structure your JavaScript code in a Ruby-on-Rails app using Sprockets.

Easy Deployment of Rack Applications with Juju

March 1, 2013 | 0 Comments | Pavel Pachkovskij
Providing step-by-step instructions, this blog post explores how to deploy Rack applications with the Juju orchestration tool.

WebSocket for a Ruby-on-Rails App

February 28, 2013 | 0 Comments | Dmitry Savitski
Supported by code samples, this blog post explores how to quickly start with the websocket-rails gem in a Ruby-on-Rails app.

Environment Variables in Ruby on Rails

February 15, 2013 | 4 Comments | Andrey Koleshko
This blog post provides instructions on how to define environment variables in a Ruby-on-Rails app.

Using the Couchbase Ruby Gem with EventMachine

February 11, 2013 | 0 Comments | Sergey Avseyev
Explore how to start using Couchbase Server in your Ruby apps based on the EventMachine asynchronous model.