With the MultiApps plugin, several Cloud Foundry entities, such as apps, services, and routes, can be simplified and managed as a single life cycle unit.
With both platforms, the largest grocer in the US transforms its IT and gets infrastructure ready in hours instead if weeks, running 400+ apps in production.
The Terraform plugin helps to configure environments declaratively with the HCL language. CF Dev adds telemetry and can be run with just 5 GB of memory.
Deploying and maintaining stateful apps in the cloud may be challenging. Learn how to address performance, data resilience, integration, and failure issues.
Learn how to achieve high availability for multi-cluster and leader election deployment models, as well as use federation and etcd for disaster recovery.
With NetApp Kubernetes Service (NKS), users can create a K8s cluster in three clicks, while getting a uniform experience across supported cloud platforms.