
Blog on Digital Transformation

Creating a Custom Cloud Foundry Buildpack from Scratch: What’s Under the Hood

December 12, 2014 | 0 Comments | Alexander Lomov
Though the official Cloud Foundry docs provide some general guidelines on how to create a buildpack, they do not demonstrate the in-depth behavior of scripts and how to test and debug buildpacks. Here, I'll try to fill in the missing gaps.

Cloud Foundry: Why and How It May Shape the World

December 9, 2014 | 0 Comments | Renat Khasanshyn
The launch of the Cloud Foundry Foundation is not only an important milestone for our community, but a defining moment for the future of many industries.

Juju Charms for Cloud Foundry: How to Deploy, Customize, and Upgrade

December 5, 2014 | 0 Comments | Siarhei Matsiukevich
Overviewing the features of the new Juju charm for Cloud Foundry, this blog post demonstrates how to automate deployment or do it manually via a config file.

Creating a BOSH Release for Admin UI, a Monitoring Tool for Cloud Foundry

November 6, 2014 | 0 Comments | Alexander Lomov
BOSH releases help to achieve high availability. Learn how to create a BOSH release for a new version of Admin UI.

HP Launches Helion Development Platform Based on Cloud Foundry

October 24, 2014 | 0 Comments | Renat Khasanshyn
Simultaneously with the lively event at the Temple SF nightclub, the #HPPaaS crowd chat was held online.

NoSQL Tech Comparison 2014: Cassandra (DataStax), MongoDB, and Couchbase

October 2, 2014 | 0 Comments | Alex Khizhniak
The new study compares the popular NoSQL databases across 21 criteria: performance, scalability, availability, ease of installation, maintenance, etc.

.NET on Cloud Foundry, Part 3: Deploying a MapReduce Application with Mono

September 12, 2014 | 0 Comments | Alex Makarenko
Learn about the potential issues the deployment may involve, as well as how to address them.

Building a Custom BOSH CPI for the Cloud Foundry PaaS: A GCE Example

September 1, 2014 | 0 Comments | Alexander Lomov
Learn about version compatibility and architectural issues, how to address them, how to bind BOSH and a CPI, create custom stemcells, etc.

Deploying Cloud Foundry in a Single Click with Juju Charms

August 6, 2014 | 0 Comments | Aliaksandr Prysmakou
Juju Charms is a service orchestration tool, which first release consists of Go router, NATS, Cloud Controller, UAA, DEA, etc.

.NET on Cloud Foundry, Part 2: Prototyping with Iron Foundry

July 28, 2014 | 0 Comments | Alex Makarenko
This blog post demonstrates how to deploy a prototype app—capable of word search—on Cloud Foundry.