
Blog on Digital Transformation

A Panel: Blockchain May Change the Way Financial Orgs Operate

November 14, 2016 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
While there have been many discussions about blockchain in finance, it's still unclear how much one can save and how the business models will evolve.

How Hyperledger Fabric Delivers Security to Enterprise Blockchain

November 14, 2016 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Outlining key issues with transaction networks, Elli Androulaki of IBM explained how Hyperledger Fabric—an open-source blockchain implementation in Hyperledger—deals with permissions, roles, transactions, and consensus.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Meeting, Nov 2016: Diego, Containers, and Persistence

November 10, 2016 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Some big stuff was discussed during the call, demonstrating Cloud Foundry's continued maturity as a key enterprise IT platform and a set of tools. An update on certifications was also on the agenda.

What Is Behind Deep Reinforcement Learning and Transfer Learning with TensorFlow?

November 9, 2016 | 0 Comments | Sophia Turol
This blog post discusses deep reinforcement learning, the use of artificial neurons in TensorFlow, as well as training a model with little data through transfer learning.

Smart Halloween: A Talking Pumpkin Created with IBM Watson and Raspberry PI

November 8, 2016 | 0 Comments | Eugene Melnikov
At Altoros, we enjoy celebrating Halloween. This year, our IoT team carved a talking pumpkin with a bit of artificial intelligence in its head.

Tezos Enters the Blockchain Arena with the Meta-Consensus Approach

November 4, 2016 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
The upstart is bringing in decentralized governance to blockchain. What else are they doing and what's the timeline for development?

Identifying Cancer Faster with Distributed TensorFlow on OpenPOWER

November 3, 2016 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff...
A practical study evaluated the efficiency of training a TensorFlow model in a distributed mode for accelerating the analysis of medical images.

Governance Is a Critical Need and a Critical Weakness of Blockchains

November 3, 2016 | 0 Comments | Sophia Turol
Outlining four major blockchain layers, Arthur Breitman of Tezos spoke on the challenges brought along by centralized and decentralized ledgers, censorship sensitivity, and governance.

How to Use Snap Packages when Collecting IoT Data with Predix Time Series

November 3, 2016 | 0 Comments | Ilya Drabenia
In this article, we focus on how to write time-series data from your Linux environment to the Predix Time Series service using a snap.

A Panel: Cooperation Is Key for Blockchain Development in Finance

October 31, 2016 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
The blockchain ecosystem should forget about disruption and instead focus on cooperation and working with existing financial services.