The Hyperledger Projects needs to be the global entity to represent the distributed ledger technology community but with certain discipline, says the panel.
Open-source software has become ubiquitous, used by the vast majority of enterprises throughout the world. It has created an equally vast ecosystem along the way, to the benefit of buyers and sellers of technology.
Demonstrating how to develop/deploy a cross-platform .NET Core app on Cloud Foundry, this solution is using RabbitMQ and Microsoft Cognitive Services API.
Scheduled for March 2017, Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 is supposed to eliminate the existing confidentiality constraints, introduce a pluggable data store, and boost scalability. The next-generation consensus protocol is under consideration, too.
Manufacturing is the King of Industries, yet leads to political disruption. What are the numbers behind all the outrage, and how should we view the phenomenon?
Smart Cities make urban life more convenient, grabbing government budget shares from Chicago to Rio de Janeiro to Cape Town. It also looks like we're only at the very beginning of this amazing journey, with more opportinities to come.