How to Create a Perfect Cloud Foundry Manifest
YAML manifests tell BOSH—a tool chain for Cloud Foundry—what to deploy and how. Check out this fancy infographic for tips and tricks on the topic. Register to view the contents
At Altoros, we use YAML to build deployment manifests for Cloud Foundry and other related projects. YAML files are human-readable and can be used by BOSH immediately, without actual “compilation.” Despite that, hand-editing a manifest is actually not a good idea.
The infographic below explains why manifests should be treated as binary code and how to create and update Cloud Foundry manifests of any size with minimum effort.

Alexey Zakharov is a Cloud Foundry/DevOps Engineer at Altoros. His main focus areas are cloud automation, virtualization, and training DevOps engineers in all things cloud. As a part of the Cloud Foundry team at Altoros, Alexey has built multiple CF environments. He is also a contributor to and big fan of Logsearch, a solution that can aggregate all CF logs together.
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