Hosting a Big Data Meetup: Hadoop on Windows Azure from Microsoft Firsthand

On September 25–26, Altoros hosted Big Data Dive ’13, an annual meetup for developers, R&D specialists, and system architects who work with massive amounts of data. Our R&D team and a special guest from Microsoft shared their hands-on experience in Hadoop, NoSQL, Windows Azure, and other big data/cloud technologies.

All things NoSQL
The agenda included sessions on practical aspects of big data storage and processing.
“NoSQL Benchmarking v2.0. Evaluating Performance of Modern NoSQL Solutions”
Following our NoSQL database benchmark, Dmitriy Kalyada of Altoros presented preliminary results of our new research. The study evaluated new versions of major NoSQL databases on infrastructure provided by our partner Lunacloud. Thanks to them for their support! The final performance data will be released next month.

Sergey Kovaliov, Senior Java Developer at Altoros, spoke about NoSQL databases and Polyglot persistence. Aleksey Diomin, Senior R&D Engineer at Altoros, provided a review of available Hadoop distributions, also touching upon how to tune performance bottlenecks in Hadoop. Vladimir Starostenkov, R&D Engineer at Altoros, talked about using GPUs in MapReduce distributed computing—based on his previous research.

Big data in the cloud
“Analysis and Preprocessing of Big Data Before Implementing Machine Learning Methods”
This session was conducted by Sofia Parfenovich, our Data Scientist. In a week, we are planning to publish the final results of her new research in a detailed white paper and a blog post. Learn more about pre-processing big data from Sofia’s guest post at the official blog of Hortonworks.

Finally, Alexey Bokov, a Windows Azure Evangelist at Microsoft, spoke about using Hadoop on Windows Azure Cloud.

Hope to see everyone at the next event!