Cloud Tools: Transcode Video Formats with pros, cons, and recommended use is the world’s largest cloud-based service that enables transcoding video into such formats as .mov, .avi, .wmv, .mp4, .3GP, .3G2, .mj2, .m4v, .flv, .mpg, .flv H.264, .flv VP6, .asf, and etc. In addition to video inputs, it also can convert popular image formats, including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF.
Among the service’s advantages are the following:
- has several integration methods to match the encoding requirements: a powerful XML API for sophisticated workflow implementations into custom UGV (User-Generated Video) sites, content management systems, or desktop programs. It also features an easy-to-use watch folder designed for encoding large content libraries quickly and easily. Another good option is the ability to upload files from a local hard drive to enable encoding of personal videos.
- Employing the solution, users get granular control to set the custom encoding parameters for multi-bitrate, frame rate, HD encoding, etc., or they can choose from the popular presets. Once completed, you only need to specify where to deliver the encoded files: FTP/SFTP, your CDN, or a cloud storage location.
The challenges a company may face when using include a limited number of video formats supported, as well as limited cloud platform integration options. A video can be processed with on the Amazon EC2 compute platform, if the target files are stored on Amazon S3. The tool also supports the Rackspace Cloud.
Recommended use will fit companies that deal with large media data volumes. The service transcodes a video into multiple formats, so you don’t need to create and store additional versions of the video.
Further reading
- Cloud Tools: Hardware Monitoring with Server Density
- Cloud Tools: Ruby-Based Cloud Monitoring with Scout
- Cloud Tools: Jungle Disk Backup and Recovery