
All posts by Roger Strukhoff

Hyperledger Fabric v1.0: Multi-Ledgers, Multi-Channels, and Node.js SDK

April 14, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
A blockchain webinar dug into technical details of Fabric's v1.0 and demonstrated how to create a sample network with the Node.js SDK.

Blockchain Can Help Banks to Better Manage the Identity of Customers

April 5, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
With projects like Hyperledger, banks may improve audit trail in comliance departments, digitalize onboarding, deduplicate efforts, reduce paperwork, etc.

Kubo Enables Kubernetes Environments Managed by Cloud Foundry’s BOSH

March 20, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff...
A joint effort of Pivotal and Google, Kubo is a new tool that eases Kubernetes deployments managed by BOSH.

A Unikernel Compiler (UniK) Added to the Cloud Foundry Extensions Incubation

March 17, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Ultralight images make the unikernel approach a fast, secure way to deploy apps on Cloud Foundry.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Meeting, March 2017: Mantra, Dingo PostgreSQL

March 16, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
The Cloud Foundry Summit Call for Papers is now closed, with this year's event being touted as "the best ever." Two demos were also part of this month's call.

Blockchain for Trade Finance: Real-Time Visibility and Reduced Fraud

March 15, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff...
Trade finance is losing billions through inefficient manual workflows and lack of transparency. Learn how blockchain drives digitization to save on expenses.

Real-Time Monitoring for Industrial IoT: Engaging Operational Technology

March 7, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
What are the requirements for continuous monitoring within an Industrial IoT deployment? What are the challenges and how to address them? Learn here.

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Disrupts Things in Blockchain. Or Does It?

March 3, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Ethereum commits to private blockchain for business. It has created a direct challenge to the Hyperledger Project in the process. Or maybe not.

Applying Data-Centric Approach to Unify IoT Security Policies

February 28, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff...
To eliminate the burdens of varying access permissions in an IoT deployment, a solution is needed to consolidate all the heterogeneous security policies.

Hyperledger Fabric’s Chaincode, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, and v1.0

February 20, 2017 | 0 Comments | Roger Strukhoff
Thomas Marckx of TheLedger led webinar attendees through a deep dive into Hyperledger Fabric, explaining how validation / consensus is implemented.