Altoros Organized Meetups Featuring Engine Yard

by Ekaterina VasilegaJuly 8, 2011
During two conferences, JRuby and the latest Engine Yard’s cloud solutions were presented to Java and Ruby-on-Rails developers.

Meetings highlights

During June 8–9, 2011 Altoros organized two conferences that featured guest speakers from Engine Yard, the leading developer of cloud platforms for Ruby on Rails.

Randall Thomas, Business Development Director at Engine Yard, and Wilson Bilkovich, Ruby Technologist for Engine Yard, presented JRuby and the latest Engine Yard’s cloud solutions to Belarusian Java and Ruby-on-Rails developers. The discussions were held using video conferencing services, while other speakers opened the events locally.

Sergey Bushik, Altoros

Our Ruby-on-Rails and Java colleagues have also actively participated in the events. Sergey Bushik, a Senior Java Developer at Altoros, delivered a presentation called “Opening a Fabulous World of Cassandra.” Sergey elaborated on the NoSQL concept, the key-value paradigm, column-oriented systems, and Cassandra integration with Hadoop.

We are very grateful to all of the speakers for finding time in their busy schedules to talk to Java and Ruby-on-Rails experts and enthusiasts.


Further reading

The post was written by Ekaterina Vasilega and edited by Alex Khizhniak.