Altoros Settles Down in Silkeborg Valley, Denmark

Expanding north
A year ago, Altoros established a representative office in Denmark to strengthen the company’s presence in the Nordic market. The division is focused on providing more intensive local support to customers and partners.
Within the first two months of operations, our Denmark team has got its first customer. The project was a restaurant booking system using .NET and ASP.NET. The system enabled users to book restaurant tables via desktop, mobile, or web clients. According to the customer, the company had realized that its in-house development was too static and slow. This way, they decided to improve the process that was too expensive and time-consuming.

Kim Jonassen
The Danish division of Altoros is managed by Kim Jonassen who has 10+ years of experience in the IT industry and consulting expertise in telecom and software development. He helps Altoros to efficiently deliver software projects to our Danish customers and is excited about further branch development.
“Hiring experienced IT resources, yet sharing the same time zone and cultural understanding with Danish customers, is of great use to local software companies. Except for some obvious advantages, such as cost savings due to lower hourly rates, it will help our customers to expand their in-house development teams and come up with innovative products faster than competitors.” —Kim Jonassen, Country Manager for Denmark at Altoros.
Silkeborg Valley residence
This year, Altoros joined Silkeborg Valley, a technology cluster initiated by IT companies near Silkeborg to support tech-driven businesses operating locally. Currently, Silkeborg Valley lists about 40 companies that can cooperate and exchange ideas. The initiative helps to find partners, discover new opportunities, transfer knowledge, and get access to the latest know-hows.
Recently, Kim gave an interview to a Danish daily newspaper in which he recollected the facts from the company’s way to success in Denmark and commented the decision to join Silkeborg Valley. Read the article here.
Further reading
- Altoros Goes to Argentina: Two New Offices Opened in Buenos Aires and Santa Fe
- Altoros Lands in London
The post is written by Ekaterina Vasilega and Alena Vasilenko, edited by Alex Khizhniak.