Meet Our Team: What Does It Take to Become a Great Developer?
5 things I love about programming
Alexey Karpik, Senior Web Platform Developer at Altoros, explains why it is so exciting to be a developer.
The beauty of Ruby on Rails lies in its simplicity
Vladislav Zarakovsky, our Ruby Team Lead, is inspired by the beauty of Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework.
Why do our customers choose the Java EE platform?
We asked Sergey Titov, Java Developer at Altoros, why our customers choose Java EE for their projects. He explained how J2EE helps to save the time spent on development, integrate existing applications and systems, as well as reduce the total cost of ownership.
How to choose between Flex and AJAX?
Igor Razhnov, Flex/Flash Developer at Altoros, gives some advice on how to make the right choice between Flex and AJAX according to the aims and the scale of the project.
RoR is the choice for fast, reasonably priced solutions
Igor Pstyga, a Ruby Developer at Altoros, tells why we recommend to use Ruby on Rails when development time and cost are crucial.
Why do we use design patterns?
Aliaksei Yenzhyieuski, .NET Team Lead at Altoros, explains how design patterns facilitate the software development process and enhance communication efficiency within a team.
What does it take to become a great developer?
Viacheslav Khrenov, a Ruby Developer at Altoros, recommends a strategy for becoming a successful developer and do your job great.
Want to learn more about our development teams? Feel free to contact us to schedule an interview.
Further reading
- Altoros Shares its Experience in Cross-Platform Development
- A Sneak Peak at the Development Kitchen of Altoros, Q2 2008
- Introducing Our R&D Team and Innovative Technology BarCamps