Kubernetes kubectl CLI Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet encloses first-aid commands to configure the CLI, manage a cluster, and gather information from it.

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    Why read this?

    Kubernetes is an open-source platform that enables to automatically deploy, scale, and manage containers. Its command-line interface (CLI)—kubectl—allows for running commands against Kubernetes clusters.

    On downloading the cheat sheet, you will find out how to:

    • Create, group, update, and delete cluster resources
    • Debug Kubernetes pods—a group of one or more containers with shared storage/network and a specification for running the containers
    • Manage configmaps, a primitive to store a pod’s configuration, and secrets, a primitive to store such sensitive data as passwords, keys, certificates, etc.

    Finally, you will learn how to use Helm—a package manager to define, install, and upgrade complex Kubernetes apps.

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